martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Dear students! Last week I took some photos for the Christmas tree. I post here the PPT so you can see your photos. In a couple of days you will see the Christmas tree with the pictures in the hall. Have a lovely day!

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2016


He creado una nueva pestaña llamada "Cortos educativos". A través de estos cortos debatiremos sobre las emociones y los sentimientos que nos trasmiten, así como la moraleja que sacamos de ellos. Algunos los veremos en clase y otros los dejo aquí para que los veáis en casa. See you tomorrow!

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

Juegos lengua y matemáticas

En la pestaña Lengua y Matemáticas he añadido un enlace donde podéis repasar los contenidos que estáis aprendiendo en estas asignaturas, espero que os sirva.
Nos vemos en clase.

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016


Hi children! In ENGLISH 4º you can see the song you have sung this morning at school. You have great voices. Well done!

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016


Hi dear students! Please go to ENGLISH 4º and ENGLISH 6º. You can find our new songs for unit 2 related to the topic of the unit. We will practise them a lot in the classroom but I put them here in case you want to start singing at home. Have a nice day! 


sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016


Hello children! I'm sure this weekend you are studying a lot the PAST SIMPLE as well as the IRREGULAR VERBS. Please go to English 6º, you can find some webpages and videos to practice the past simple. Have a great weekend. 

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016


Hi there! Today our children in Year 4 have been playing different games to speak in English and get flags and soldiers. It was good fun! In English 4º you can see more pictures. Have a lovely day! 


jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016


Hi there! In English 6º you can see the presentations you have done this morning. Please be patient the videos are loading so I will put them little by little.
Thanks for your work!
See you tomorrow and we will continue with the presentations.


viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Halloween at Carolina Codorniu school

During this week we have decorated the doors for celebrating Halloween! 
Here you can see the result. 

Information for YEAR 6B

Hello! In English 6 you can find some webpages and videos for helping you to prepare the poster or the PowerPoint next Thursday! Have a look please!


Hello! This morning we have celebrated Halloween in the school. In English 4º you can see the amazing SPIDER BAGS you have done for playing "Trick or Treat" with your friends and put your sweets inside. 
Have a terrifying weekend!

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Song "In my city"

Hello! In English 4º you can listen to the song we have recorded this morning! You are amazing singers!


Hello everyone! In English 6º you can see your writings (year 6B and 6C) 
Thanks a lot! Have a lovely weekend and please study English!

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


Hi there! I’m going to start correcting your writings. Some of them are FANTASTIC! Really AMAZING! You have worked very hard! Some others are…. Comme ci comme ça (as I say in French in English it would be so-so). I’m going to post here ALL your writings because this is the first time and I'm very happy and proud of your work. Please next time pay attention to the grammar and try to include pictures, drawings and more information. You can do it EVEN BETTER!

In English 6º you can see your writings. Have a lovely evening!


lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016


Dear students in year 6 C (sexto C) in English 6º you can have a look at the composition I have done for you. This is just an example. See you tomorrow.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

Hi dear students! Please have a look at the differents pages (English 4º, English 6º, pronunciation and Life in the UK) because you can find new things.
Enjoy the weekend!

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016


It's true. I'm making a London bus to help you speak in English and also check your behavior. In a couple of days I will put it in the class and I will explain in detail how it works.  Thanks Dani and Inma for helping me this morning.
See ya!

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016


Os dejo algunas webs donde podéis encontrar recursos muy útiles (canciones, juegos, cuentos...) para los peques de Infantil. También adjunto algunas canciones que estamos trabajando durante este comienzo de curso. ¡Saludos!

Days of the week (Infantil 3,4 y 5 años)

Ten in the bed (Infantil  3, 4 y 5 años)

The rainbow song (Infantil 3 años)

Twinkle twinkle little star (Infantil 3 años)

Walking through the jungle (Infantil 4 y 5 años)

Numbers song (Infantil 4 y 5 años)

Welcome to my blog!

Hello children!  I will be uploading webpages and videos soon. For now you can review and practice our first English song. Here you have the links (piano and instrumental version) to practice. Also I attach you the lyrics. Please stick the song on your notebooks. 
Have a nice day!

Adapted from “What makes you beautiful” (One direction)

I can play tennis
You can play with me
Take your racket and let’s go to win a trophy

You can text your mate
He can play with me
We can practice sport today i i

Everyone else in the school can see it, everyone else but you

Baby, Why can’t we play computer games?
She can do crafts and feed the animals
They can make a snack in the break time
You don’t know oh oh
you don’t know you are beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
I like your stripped, spotted dark handkerchief
No matter if you live in
Ecuador, Canada or Greece
You don’t know oh oh
You don’t know you are beautiful oh, oh oh
And that’s what makes you beautiful. (X2)

Na na na na….

Baby, Why can’t we play computer games?
She can do crafts and feed the animals
They can make a snack in the break time
You don’t know oh oh
you don’t know you are beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
I like your stripped, spotted dark handkerchief
No matter if you live in
Ecuador, Canada or Greece
You don’t know oh oh
You don’t know you are beautiful

If only you saw what I can see
I like your stripped, spotted dark handkerchief
No matter if you live in
Ecuador, Canada or Greece
You don’t know oh oh
You don’t know you are beautiful oh, oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh oh

And that's what makes you beautiful