miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018


Buenas tardes!! Con un poco de retraso aquí os dejo unas deliciosas pizzas que elaboraron los alumnos de 3ºB, enmarcado dentro del proyecto "La vuelta al mundo en 8 días" en la que están recorriendo numerosos lugares del mundo. Adelante aventureros!

miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

Michelle Obama speech

Hi there! Please have a look at this video as well as the video you have in English 5º.
If you don't understand these words, look it up in the dictionary:
- Effort
- Box
- Wonder
- Achievement
- Reach
- Resources
- Hardly
- Neighborhood
- Need

Have a good day!

jueves, 25 de enero de 2018

Song Year 4

Hi there!! In English 4º you can see the song with the lyrics!
Have a lovely day
Carolina Xx